We Get It
Audio, it's often the last item in the chain, the final step before delivery. We get it. But here's the thing; study after study shows that audio is what your audience is reacting to, even if subconsciously.
Audiences favor material with well done audio and more often reject material with poor audio even if they can't explain why they don't like something. Or as a director friend likes to say "I can cut around bad picture, I can't cut around bad audio". So help us help you.
When on set ask your production sound person for a set of headphones and listen in on your audio. Can you hear an airplane or air conditioning system? Then so can your microphones. If your production sound person asks for silence to record room tone (and they should always ask!) then help them. Silence means no one makes a sound. Those whispered conversations? Yeah, we can hear those. Quietly unwrapping that protein bar? Yeah, we heard that too! All we need is :15 of quiet and we've got a much better chance of making your audio the best it can be.
Finally, good audio takes time so plan accordingly. Sound may be the last item before delivery but bad sound makes for bad media, give your sound team the time needed to do a great job.